About Rosmon

Born 16/7 1951 in Copenhagen, and has lived in many places in Denmark.
Trained dye assistant and chemistry laboratory assistant.
shaping teacher in primary schools, independent schools

Debuted as an Autodidact artist in 1969

Participated in the International Drawing Academy in Brande,
State-recognized Censored Exhibitions:
2 times at Kunsternes Påskeudstilling 88/06,
3 times at Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling 00/06/13
Twice at the Limfjord exhibition.

over 500 exhibitions throughout the country and a little abroad.

2006 represented at KP, KS and the Limfjord exhibition

Several art associations
idea man behind Kulturekspressen in Hurup Thy, which received Viborg County’s culture prize, for its broad popular commitment
Decoration work i.a. to Thisted Municipality

Sculptural painting, for the floor, walls, and free-hanging versions.
relief paintings, with height differences
shapes even canvases
Inventes, further develops and uses various techniques and expressions.
works in wood, metal, stone, light and other things related to canvases
teaches in Creative Workshop at div. Evening schools and other private and public institutions and in other more privately organized contexts
doing various workshops across the country

3-D is not always enough, and you see beyond the reach of the eye